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Concerts and other events in Warsaw

iamnotshane in Warsaw
30.10.2024 30 October 2024
Warsaw, Poland
42€ - 70€

Concerts and performances in Warsaw

Concerts in Warsaw are always a bright event for all lovers of quality music and exciting shows. They are eagerly awaited, trying not to miss a single performance of their idol or favorite band. Want to be informed about upcoming events? The Warsaw concert poster presented on Kontramarka.com will help you with that.

Here you can find events for every taste. Rock and chanson, pop and rap, classical and country - whatever genre of music you prefer, there is always something for you to listen and watch. The scale of what is happening on stage will surprise you.

There is always something to see and hear

Warsaw's playbill features concerts by legendary performers and the most famous bands, idols of millions and rising stars from all over the world. Ukrainian artists are especially popular with residents and guests of the city. They come to listen not only to those who are away from their homeland, but also to all those who want to learn more about Ukraine and support it in difficult times.

You can buy tickets for concerts in Warsaw in 2023 using our service. All you need to do is to choose an event, specifying the date and time of its performance. You should do this in advance, long before ticket sales start at the box office. The best seats and the strongest impressions are guaranteed! If you are interested in such events in other cities of Poland, pay attention to concerts in Krakow. They will allow you to meet your favorite artists and will be no less large-scale and memorable!